Tasmaad-Viraadda-Jaayata Viraajo Adhi Puurussah | There, in the Creation, He pervades all the Living and the Non-Living beings. Translation – The Three Parts of the Purusha is High Above (in Transcendental Realm), and His One Part becomes the Creation again and again. Tato Vissvang Vyakraamat-Saashana-Anashane Abhi ||4|| Tri-Paad-Uurdhva Udait-Puurussah Paado-Asyeha-Abhavat-Punah | One-fourth of Him all beings are, while three-fourth of Purusha rises above as the Immortal Being. Words cannot express the greatness of Purusha. Translation – The Purusha is Greater than all the Greatness, His One Part has become all these Worlds, and His Three Parts rest in the Immortal World of the Transcendence.

Paado-Asya Vishvaa Bhuutaani Tri-Paad-Asya-Amrtam Divi ||3|| By surrendering one can transcend the gross world and gets Mukti (ultimate liberation).

He transcends all in His Form as food (the universe). Everything is woven by the Immortal essence of the Great Lord by becoming Food of which one transcends the gross world.Īll this (manifestation) is the Purusha alone-whatever was and whatever will be. Translation – The Purusha is indeed All this in essence That which existed in the past, and that which will exist in the future. Uta-Amrtatvasyeshaano Yad-Annena-Ati-Rohati ||2|| Purusha Evedam Sarvam Yad-Bhuutam Yacca Bhavyam | One with the thousands of manifestation, He pervades each part of the creation and extends beyond in the ten directions represented by ten fingers. Which tradition follows which Sukta: All branches share the Sri Sukta.The Purusha is cosmic Person, the Universal Consciousness animating all manifestation. These hymns are presented here in their original Sanskrit with the transliteration and English translation for the benefit of the public which, we hope will be of immense utility in people’s daily prayers. In fact, God and His Powers are beyond the range of human evaluation or values, and thus above the ideas of male and female.

This would explain the mystery behind the gender. Intriguingly, the feminine gender is used in addressing Lakshmi as the Goddess of Fortune, in keeping with the tradition in human thought that the universe is the Glory of God, the Power of God, conceived almost as the Consort of God, for purpose of popular adoration and worship. The Sri Sukta is an invocation to Mahalakshmi as the Divinity presiding over all prosperity in every form material and social, as well as spiritual. In this comprehensive attitude of devotion to God, the Satarudriya resembles the description found in the Purusha Sukta. Here the ordinary notions of religion and even of God are lifted from the limitations of human thinking and made to cover the vast variety which God has revealed as all this manifestation. The Satarudriya, which is also known as the Rudra Adhyaya, occurs in the Yajurveda and is a magnificent vision of the Creator of the universe, designated here as Siva or Rudra, in His aspects as an awe inspiring immanence in everything that can be found or even conceived of in creation. These hymns, which are from the original Vedas, represent in quintessence an invocation of the Almighty manifest as Rudra-Siva, Narayana as the Virat-Purusha, and Lakshmi as the Goddess of Prosperity.
Nila Sukta Importance and the purpose of Satarudriya, Purusha, Sri, Narayana Suktams: The Satarudriya, Purusha Sukta, Narayana Sukta and Sri Sukta are generally recited in a series in most of the temples of worship, especially during the performance of the holy ritual of abhisheka.