
Dodonpachi resurrection amazon
Dodonpachi resurrection amazon

dodonpachi resurrection amazon

It includes a well-written, full color manual that provides lots of helpful information the game itself lacks, plus a full soundtrack CD. Then again, the European version of Resurrection, which comes from Rising Star Games (publisher of CAVE’s Akai Katana in the US and Europe), is still a wonderful collectible. I wouldn’t even buy this one for Achievements – I got 290 GamerScore out of it, and that’s the most I’ll ever get. I wish I could recommend Dodonpachi Resurrection to the majority of our readership, but it really is meant for only hardcore shoot-em-up fans. Still, the game is short enough that running through it with a friend won’t take up that much time anyway. Unfortunately, neither player can earn Achievements during co-op games, a strange decision on CAVE’s part. Multiplayer makes things even more hectic than single-player since the screen will always be filled with uncountable bullets. Of the four game mode: Novice, Xbox 360, Arrange A, and Arrange B, only the first two support 2-player local co-op. Locking half the game behind a nigh-impenetrable skill wall seems like a bad idea to me, but I’m just not part of Dodonpachi’s tiny intended audience.Ĭooperative play doesn’t really alleviate the difficulty, but it does at least add a bit of fun. Resurrection offers unlimited continues, but use even one and you can’t reach the second loop after beating stage 5, and therefore won’t see the true boss(es) or ending. Who doesn't like being kicked in the groin repeatedly, right? For me, it brings what could have been a very fun game down to pain-inducing levels. For some people (masochists), that level of challenge is the height of fun. The swarms of bullets fired by enemies and bosses are so dense that I often couldn’t even detect safe paths, let alone pull them off. The first level is tough but manageable after that, the gloves come way the heck off. But Resurrection is designed for another type of gamer altogether – someone who plays bullet hell shmups all the time and happily devotes endless hours to mastering them. I’ve been playing shoot-em-ups since the original Galaga, and I’m by no means a bad player. Sadly, Dodonpachi Resurrection is just way too hard for someone of my skill level.

Dodonpachi resurrection amazon